Monday, November 13, 2006

The City of Saronno

Saronno information:
Geographical position: Italy
Location: Northern Italy - Lombardia
Region Province: Varese (VA)Population: 37.000
Postal code / 21047
Phone dialing (0039) 02 - 123456
Geographical position in Italy: 20 Km north of Milan, 20 Km south of Varese and Como. Northern hub of Northern Railways with direct connections to Milano, Como and Varese.

Worldwide, Saronno is probably best known for it's almond liqueur DiSaronno Originale, which used to be called Amaretto di Saronno until a copyright issue on the name Saronno, forced the company to rename it. But the taste is still superb. Saronno is also well known for it's apricot kernel macaroons (amaretti).
Saronno is a residential and business town, as it is 20 minutes by frequent trains from the center of Milan, is surrounded by motorways that lead to Milan, Varese and Switzerland, which is perfect for commuter employment in for example Milan.
Life in Saronno is still a little more quieter and calmer than it is in Milan or other larger Italian cities and the Saronnesi are friendly people.
A Brief History of Saronno
There are various theories on the origins of Saronno. Recent studies demonstrate that it would have Etruscan origins, since that in same local dialect of the town, currently little used, there are terms of such origin (Etruscan) but the first theories make allow one to presume too that Saronno is of Celtic origin since in the surrounding area there have been archaeological finds going back to that ancient civilization.
The first historical signs with regard to the existence of the city go back to 796, with the vicus that it called "Solomnum.
Only after the 17th century its denomination began to approach the present day one, transforming itself in "Sarono" and, in the successive century, "Saronno".
More recent theories show that possibly the first settlements go back to the Roman era. From the Middle Ages to the 12th century this then village slowly began to develop itself much to become an agricultural and trade center of some importance.
Subsequently Saronno was governed by the Visconti, by the Sforza and then by the Biglia from the end of 1700 to 1800. Saronno during these centuries alternated between splendors and miseries.
Worthy of note are the pillages endured from the army of the Lanzichenecchi, the plague epidemic in 1576 and also another plage more serious for the consequences in 1629, which was cited by Manzoni in his famous novel ' I Promessi Sposi' (The Promised Spouses), and which exterminated more than 1500 persons. At beginning of the 1700 Saronno was conquered by the Austrians, a domination that was interrupted for a few years by the Napoleonic invasion, but in 1827 tragedy it was once again in ambush and the city was again put to it's knees by a violent fire, that destroyed the entire quarter of Saint Cristoforo leaving thousands of Saronnesi homeless.
Mid 19th century Saronno counted little more than 5000 inhabitants and the economy, mainly handicraft and agricultural, slowly began to flourish.
In 1879 the first industries come to being.
Saronno, in 1927, after the first world war, passed from being a province of Milan under the province of Varese and in 1960 it obtained the title of city of equal parity of commercial and demographical development.


martha said...

mhm..saronno is a very cool place... :D i think we should go there ;)

chiara said...

thank you martha!!:)