Monday, February 09, 2009

We're back tooooo!!!

Hi friends, meet the Italian partners!

IV A - From the left, standing in the back row: Chiara Rossetti, Sofia Vergine, Alessia Carruba, Roberto Fazza, Giulia Battistutta, Giulia Carugati.

From the left on their knees: Lisa Gorla, Sara Mognoni, Ludovica Uggeri, Giulia Alberio, Anna Sozzi.

V A - From the left: Daniela Pietrobon, Cecilia Podda, Chiara Locatelli, Silvia Bosetti, Laura Ronzoni, Roberta Pontoriero.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Plan for 2nd term of 2009

1. General introduction of students (getting to know each other)
students exchange first e-mails with the general details about themselves (they write about their families, hobbies, favourite music etc), they continue to exchange emails freely throughout whole semester.

2. Introduction of schools in Plock and Saronno
students prepare an article about their schools to be published on blog by both sides. In the article they should provide following details:
- the school’s name and brief history (about the patron, date of foundation etc)
- the school’s location (they can prepare maps to be published on the blog)
- description of school’s neighbourhood (they should take some photos of the school’s building and its surroundings)
- description plus pictures of the school inside
- description of the school’s ‘life’ - they can write about their timetables, favourite subjects, how they spend their time at school etc.

For this article they can freely add their own ideas about what they would like to show to their colleagues from the other school. The main theme of this part should circle around MY SCHOOL.

3. Typical Polish/Italian teenager
Students prepare another article to be published on blog. This time they ought to describe a typical teenager from both countries. They can write about their favourite free time activities, music, films, actors, hobbies, interests, ideas for future - all based on their own lives and experiences.

4. Teaching Polish / Italian
Students prepare a short film where they teach some basic Polish and Italian phrases to be exchanged by post. Then the other side writes a short article about their experience in learning Polish/Italian for the blog.

5. Saying goodbye for the summer
Students prepare a goodbye card wishing their friends a warm and good summer, the cards are exchanged by post

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We're baaaaaaack ;oD myspace graphic comments

Hello Dear Friends,
From the new semester of 2009 we decided to open a new cooperation plan between our schools. The semester is short that is why our plan is not as complicated and long as the previous ones. We shall post it here soon. At the moment we have managed to put our students in couples. On the Polish side there would be 16 students who take part in the PenPal Project in 2009, they are all from class 1a from Gimnazjum no 8. The couples are as follows:

  • Dominika Sosnowska - Lisa Gorla
  • Klaudia Jaroszewska - Silvia Bosetti
  • Patrycja Wiśniewska - Ambra Figini
  • Justyna Bis - Roberto Fazza
  • Mateusz Niemiec - Chiara Rossetti
  • Kinga Gruszczyńska - Alessia Carruba
  • Paulina Czernicka - Sofia Vergine
  • Ewa Marciniak - Giulia Carugati
  • Kasia Jachowicz - Chiara Locatelli
  • Karolina Fortuna - Cecilia Podda & Roberta Pontoriero
  • Marta Dziarnowska - Giulia Alberio
  • Justyna Szatkowska - Daniela Pietrobon
  • Karolina Sikorska - Giulia Battistuta
  • Zuzanna Osiecka - Ludovica Uggeri
  • Adrianna Budziło - Anna Sozzi
  • Katarzyna Feliciak - Laura Ronzoni
  • Maciej Lis - Sara Mognoni

There may be small changes in the couples as we still have students who would like to participate in the project, but for the time being the list is as above. We shall be informing you about our cooperation plans and the progress here on the blog. For the time being we are saying goodbye and see you soon ;o)